Your shareholders

The Remuneration Report is no longer merely a statutory reporting obligation: it’s much too important. If your shareholder’s don’t understand your remuneration strategy or intent, especially when your Company under performs, then expect that shareholders will communicate directly to you with their vote. Avoiding a strike should not be the only reason for having, and communicating, an effective remuneration strategy.

Proxy Advisors

Proxy advisors, particularly for ASX 300 companies, have a significant (some say disproportionate) impact on shareholder voting intentions of your remuneration report. Understanding their expectations and making sure that they understand your remuneration strategy will go a long way to gaining their confidence and support. We can help.

Your Employees

How well do your employees understand your Company’s “recognition and reward” system? If they don’t understand it, they can’t appreciate it. Given that employee engagement is one of the key indicators of business success we can help you do better: it’s worth the effort


Does your remuneration strategy meet the expectations of the community, the media and other governance commentators. If you need help – call us.